Source code for servicecatalog_factory.sdk

#  Copyright 2021, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
#  SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
from servicecatalog_factory.commands import bootstrap
from servicecatalog_factory.commands import configuration_management
from servicecatalog_factory.commands import portfolios
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger()

[docs]def add_product_to_portfolio(portfolio_file_name, portfolio_display_name, product): """ This function allows to you to add a product to a portfolio that exists already. If the product contains a Source and it is defined as an AWS CodeCommit type then the function will ensure the repository and branch exist. :param portfolio_file_name: The name of the file (including .yaml) of your portfolio file. For example ServiceCatalogFactory/portfolios/central_it.yaml should be central_it.yaml :param portfolio_display_name: The value of the portfolio DisplayName the product should be added to. :param product: a dict of the product that you want to add to the portfolio """ portfolios.add_product_to_portfolio( portfolio_file_name, portfolio_display_name, product )
[docs]def remove_product_from_portfolio( portfolio_file_name, portfolio_display_name, product_name ): """ This function allows to you to remove a product from a portfolio that exists already. :param portfolio_file_name: The name of the file (including .yaml) of your portfolio file. For example ServiceCatalogFactory/portfolios/central_it.yaml should be central_it.yaml :param portfolio_display_name: The value of the portfolio DisplayName where the product exists. :param product_name: The name of the product you want to remove """ portfolios.remove_product_from_portfolio( portfolio_file_name, portfolio_display_name, product_name )
[docs]def add_version_to_product( portfolio_file_name, portfolio_display_name, product_name, version ): """ This function allows to you to add a version to product within a portfolio that exists already. If the version contains a Source and it is defined as an AWS CodeCommit type then the function will ensure the repository and branch exist. :param portfolio_file_name: The name of the file (including .yaml) of your portfolio file. For example ServiceCatalogFactory/portfolios/central_it.yaml should be central_it.yaml :param portfolio_display_name: The value of the portfolio DisplayName the product version should be added to. :param product_name: The value of the product Name the version should be added to. :param version: a dict of the version that you want to add to the portfolio """ portfolios.add_version_to_product( portfolio_file_name, portfolio_display_name, product_name, version )
[docs]def remove_version_from_product( portfolio_file_name, portfolio_display_name, product_name, version_name ): """ This function allows to you to remove a version of a product within a portfolio that exists already. :param portfolio_file_name: The name of the file (including .yaml) of your portfolio file. For example ServiceCatalogFactory/portfolios/central_it.yaml should be central_it.yaml :param portfolio_display_name: The value of the portfolio DisplayName the product version should be removed from. :param product_name: The value of the product Name the version should be removed from. :param version_name: The name of the version you want to remove """ portfolios.remove_version_from_product( portfolio_file_name, portfolio_display_name, product_name, version_name )
[docs]def upload_config(config): """ This function allows you to upload your configuration for factory. At the moment this should be a dict with an attribute named regions: regions: [ 'eu-west-3', 'sa-east-1', ] :param config: The dict containing the configuration used for factory """ configuration_management.upload_config(config)
[docs]def bootstrap(): """ Bootstrap the factory. This will create the AWS CodeCommit repo containing the config and it will also create the AWS CodePipeline that will run the solution. """ bootstrap.bootstrap()
[docs]def set_regions(regions): """ Set the regions for the factory. :param regions: The list of AWS regions """ configuration_management.set_regions(regions)